Remains of the ancients


“Foudeh Group” was founded by Haj Mohammad Hassan Foudeh with the establishment of the agricultural unitof the company in the mid-1950s. Afterwards, with the completion of Mr. AhmadFoudeh‘s academic education and his return from the United States, a sense of duty to improve the living standards of his fellow citizens in accordance with modern world standards encouraged him to develop and update the company’s activities. In this regard,he mechanized agricultural processesin 1963 and then establishedthe livestock unit under the name “Sepahan Foudeh; Milk and Meat Co.”in 1974.

During the following years, Foudeh Group operated in two departments of "livestock husbandry" and "agriculture" and gradually,in line with scientific and applied developments,has evolved from a local company into a strong successful national brand. Nowadays, the company's dairy farm with about 3200 breedercows (a total of 7500 cows, heifers and bulls) and an annual production of 45,000 tons of milk is one of the leading suppliers of milk for dairy factories in Iran. Using the latest agricultural knowledge and equipment,the company's agriculture department cultivates corn and barley forage to meet part of the dairy herd's nutritional requirements, too.

Animal Feed Supplements Factory

"AnimalFeedSupplementsFactory" with the focus on the production of vitamin and mineral supplements for poultry and livestock as well as toxin binder

Animal Milk ReplacerProduction Factory

"Animal Milk ReplacerProduction Factory" which produce milk powdered formula for newbornanimals.

On the way to progress

Expansion of animal husbandry and agriculture

Gradually, with the quantitative and qualitative development of the company's livestock department activities and relying on the technical knowledge and experience of decades, the company officials’interestformeeting part of the country's livestock needs and job creation encouraged them to expand the Foudeh Group'sscope of activities. In this regard, two factories under the name of "NovinRoshdShahran Foudeh" was put into operation in 2018 in Razi Industrial Town of Isfahan;

Looking ahead

Connection with knowledge

"NovinRoshdShahran Foudeh"

The products of NovinRoshdShahran Foudehare formulated after needs assessment, in accordance with the latest scientific and research findings in the field of livestock and poultry industry and with the cooperation of reputable university centers, especiallyMedicinal Plants and Drugs Research Institute of ShahidBeheshti University. For final approval, the productssubjected to different farm tests in the farm research pilot of Foudeh Group or some of the best universities in Iran, including the University of Tehran, Isfahan University of Technology, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, etc. Undoubtedly, what encourages the customers of "NovinRoshdShahran Foudeh" to use its various products in their farms is trust in more than half a century of continuous and successful activity of Foudeh Group and using these products in its own farm.


Take a look at our products
Cows, heifers and bulls
Tons of milk

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